
My name is Pachito Marco Calabrese, but everyone calls me Marco. I'm a telecommunication engineer with the passion for mixing Web technologies and embedded systems. I'm currently doing magic at Apple as software engineer, in Copenhagen.

01. Experience

Copenhagen — February 2019 - Current

Software Engineer, Apple Inc


Copenhagen — September 2016 - October 2018

Senior Frontend Engineer, bolighed.dk

In Bolighed I cover the role of lead frontend engineer. I have mainly worked on “the business manager”, which is an analytics tools for banks and real estators.

The FE stack is Angular 4 with Typescript and Bulma, the backend uses Django and Postgres DB

I’ve also being involved in designing the APIs and provide concrete feedbacks for scaling the application up, and improve performance.

Recently I was involved in prototyping a brand new performant frontend, which now is powering www.bolgihed.dk.

Copenhagen — May 2015 - August 2016

Senior Frontend Engineer, www.simplesite.com

In Simplesite i was responsible of engineering, development and testing SimpleSite next-generation webapp builder which serves 6 millions users.

The app is developed with modern standards and is based on the stack AngularJS 1.5 with Typescript and Foundation 5 for apps.

Being the frontend team leader, I had to coordinate developers designers and engineers to work efficiently together. I coached other developers about workflows, new technologies and dev tools like GIT, Gulp.js.Being part of the Growth Hacker team I was also involved in intense A/B testing and customer behaviour data analysis.

Copenhagen — July 2013 - April 2015

Frontend Engineer NOCOPO A/S, www.comparo.dk

Being the only frontend developer i developed the entire frontend from scratch in AngularJS and Bootstrap, I wrote code for automated tasks using GulpJS and NodeJS.

I've also procative contributed in designing the API in collaboration with the backend developers.

02. Education

Copenhagen — August 2012 - October 2012

Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Research & Scientific paper “Orthogonal Phase Quadratures Conversion to Different Wavelengths Through Phase-Sensitive Four Wave Mixing in an Highly Nonlinear Fiber”

Copenhagen — August 2010 - August 2012

Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

MSc in Telecommunication Engineering - Optical Networks

Bari — October 2004 - August 2010

Politecnico di Bari

BSc in Telecommunication Engineering

03. Projects

Copenhagen — April 2017 - June 2017

WebBluetooth research

Personal project

I wanted to have a deep look how WebBluetooth worked. So I used a NRF52 SoC and the ARM mbed platform to create a bluetooth enabled device able to communicate with the browser (Google Chrome). I presented my research during in London at CodeNode, the video od the presentation in the link

Copenhagen — March 2016 - April 2016


Personal project

Criptio is a OSX app for encrypt and decrypt files. It uses the crypto core module of Node.js. Is currently available only on mac. Criptio is build with Electron from GitHub.

Copenhagen — January 2015 - August 2015


Personal project

IOON it’s a smart dashboard for the IoT (Internet of Things). It can record and visualize data coming from any sensors with HTTP or MQTT protocols. IOON as customizable dashboard and add virtual streams. IOON is build in Anuglar 1 and Node.js

Bari — June 2014 - December 2014


Elettronica Professional

The EVR is data logger based on a Linux based SBC able to record up to 24 digital inputs. Data are stored both on disk and SD card, and sent remote over MQTT protocol. The data are visualized on a web interface which can be accessed both from local (USB) or from remote (Ethernet).

Bari — January 2013 - Dicember 2014

Smart Air

Personal Project

Smart Air it’s an IoT platform for gather air quality data. We have developed firmware for Arduino, Launchpad from Texas Instrument (based on TI CC430 SoC) and BeagleBone Black This IoT smartcity project has won a boot at the Innovation Festival in Bari and was recognized in the top 20 from CBS Idea Awards in Copenhagen among over 250 other projects.

Copenhagen — January 2011 - February 2011

Real time FPGA image edge detector


Bari — May 2010 - July 2010

Firmware development

Politecnico di Bari

My bachelor's project consisted of firmware development for contactless payment systems based on the Mifare RFID cards. The system was inspired by the Oyster London transport system.